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Phase Building

Learn how to edit the content of your phases on the Hona portal, including the description, FAQs, and custom names visible to your clients.

Marc Christiansen avatar
Written by Marc Christiansen
Updated over a week ago

Editing the Description

The description is the main body of text, video, links and/or images to help describe what is happening during a specific phase. In order to edit this content, navigate to Company Settings, and then click into any phase to start editing.

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Adding videos

Videos can be added to any Description or FAQ within Hona. In order to add a video to Hona, you will need to create the video on an online video-making platform. This is usually done on YouTube or Vimeo. After the video is created, you will click on this icon to add the external link.

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Note: *It is important to remember that external links cannot be private, or else the client will not be able to view the video. If you host the video on YouTube, you can make the video either public or unlisted.*

Adding Links

If you want to add a link to an external website, follow these steps:
1. Edit the description or FAQ

2. Highlight the word that you want to hyperlink

3. Click on the 'link' icon shown below

4. Enter the link in the pop-up box.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 12.22.44 AM

Adding Images

In order to add an image to your Hona description or FAQ, copy the Image Address from an image on a public site. Once you have copied the image, click on this icon with the phase editor page:

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Once you click on the image icon, you will notice this pop-up shown above. That is where you will paste the Image URL. Once pasted, you can then click on the image to edit its size within the client portal.

General Formatting Tips

It is important for your description to be descriptive, concise and well formatted. Don't forget to utilize the formatting tools to enhance the visual presentation of the paragraph. If you do have videos of your own, we would highly recommend that you use them. If you don't, it is possible that Hona has animated videos that you could use, depending on your practice areas that you serve.


If there are any additional questions, please reach out to your dedicated account rep or to [email protected].

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